
Yuexiu Group and GIIHG signed a Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement
Release Date:2020-03-24 20:38:34

 In the afternoon of March 18, a ceremony was held for Yuexiu Group and Guangzhou Industrial Investment Holding Group (“GIIHG”) to sign the Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement. Yuexiu Group’s Secretary of the Communist Party and the Chairman Zhang Zhaoxing, General Manager Ye Shanhu, Deputy Director of the Management Committee Wang Shuhui, General Legal Counsel He Yuping, and GIIHG’s the Secretary of the Communist Party and the Chairman Zhou Qianding, General Manager Zhang Weitao, Deputy General Manager Li Shaokang and others attended this ceremony.

 Yuexiu Group and GIIHG signed the Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement

 In the ceremony, GIIHG’s Chairman Zhou Qianding gave a speech on the introduction of GIIHG, the industrial characteristics, and future development trend. GIIHG is constitutive of Guangzhou Iron and Steel Enterprise Group Co. Limited, Guangzhou Wanbao Group Co. Limited, and Guangzhou Vanlead Group Co. Limited, forming a number of industries such as high-end equipment, refrigeration appliances, rubber chemicals, auto parts, new materials, supply chain services and financial services. GIIHG and Yuexiu Group have extensive cooperation in the fields of financial leasing, health care industry and equity investment. It is expected that, both parties will further strengthen in-depth cooperation in the fields of industrial cooperation and equity restructuring based on the Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement.

 Yuexiu Group’s Chairman Zhang Zhaoxing delivered a speech on the introduction and development strategies of Yuexiu Group, and pointed out that, Yuexiu Group has built "4+X" modern industrial system with finance, real estate, transportation infrastructure and food as its core industries. In recent years, joint venture cooperation and strategic cooperation are the main strategic measures of Yuexiu Group. For instance, Yuexiu Group have carried out extensive and close cooperation with state-owned enterprises such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Citic securities and Guangzhou Metro. As a giant in the field of industrial investment in Guangzhou, GIIHG has huge cooperation space with Yuexiu Group in the fields of financial services, industrial manufacturing, real estate, health care industry, etc. It is expected that both parties could actively play their advantages, explore the essential points of cooperation, and achieve win-win cooperation.

 Chairman Zhang Zhaoxing delivered a speech on the introduction and development strategies of Yuexiu Group

 After the ceremony, Guangzhou Yuexiu Industry Investment Fund Management Co., Limited under Yuexiu Financial Holding Group and Guangzhou Wanbao Changrui Investment Co., Limited under GIIHG signed a strategic cooperation agreement. Through the cooperation mode of "industry + capital", both parties will conduct an in-depth cooperation to jointly promote the transformation and upgrading development of GIIHG.